Thursday, July 23, 2009


For those of you have seen the "Baby Now on Board Post", I would like to make an apology. I had to remove one of the pictures posted due to what Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake would call a "Wardrobe Malfunction". As soon as Christie's wound heals a little more we will be laughing about this for a long time.

Note to self: Do not make posts late at night when your tired.


Brittany said...

I guess I'm a little late and a little lucky that I didn't see the "wardrobe malfunction".:)

Tandy said...

Yay! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you... the picture of Christie and Lily (which, by the way, is Lexi's all-time favorite name... and what she tried to get us to name Ella... ;)) got me all choked up. How sweet babies are and you can just feel Heavenly Father's love... and all you have to do is look at them! Hope to see you soon! What a cute family you are!