So here it is by popular demand the infamous baby bump at 17 weeks. I know that it does not look like much but none of my pants fit not even my biggest pants I have ever owned. I have gained a whoppin 1 pound. I guess my hips are just widening and I hate it. I am still sick throwing up every day and nauseated all day. The Dr. said "oh you should start feeling better any day now" and that my friends was at 14 weeks. I have surpassed that by almost a whole month without any relief. On a better note, I failed to post the sex of the baby. Drum roll please........................ Its a little princess yeah! We are excited but we are already fighting over names. I knew it would be trouble considering we couldn't even decide on the same ceiling fans for our new house hahaha
So here she is at 15 weeks old. We decided we couldn't wait so we participated in the 4D ultrasound. She was such a little movie star look at that zoolander pose haha.